Geometry Nodes
Group 1: Gathering Geometry/Camera Space Normalization
The first group collects all geometry data from the scene, converting object coordinates into normalized camera space to ensure consistent filter behavior, regardless of object scale. This normalization process ensures that objects of different sizes and distances are treated equally, allowing for consistent visual effects.
Group 2: Camera & Occlusion Culling
This group optimizes filter performance through camera-based and occlusion culling strategies. These methods ensure that strokes are produced only on parts of the object that are visible to the camera, thereby avoiding unnecessary calculations for regions either blocked by other geometry or out of view.
Group 3: Line Art Generation
Group three focuses on generating the line art that forms the structural backbone of the painting effect. This group is responsible for creating visual guides through different types of lines, each capturing a unique aspect of the geometry, including contour lines, intersecting edges, crease angles, sharp edges, boundary edges, and cast shadow edges.
Group 4: Point Distribution of Strokes
This groups responsible for distributing points across the object's surface to serve as anchor points for paint strokes. The primary goal of this group is to achieve an even distribution of points regardless of the object's distance from the camera, ensuring that the strokes maintain consistent density and visual quality throughout the scene.
Group 5: Curve Interpolation along with Stroke Generation
In Group 5, the line art data generated in Group 3 is transformed into curves and used to produce dynamic strokes that naturally follow the contours of an object. By extruding newly created curves along the tangents of the line art, the system achieves strokes that feel fluid and painterly, avoiding the stiffness of rigid lines and instead generating strokes that are intentional and organic.
Group 6: Final Integration & Shader Transfer
The final group is where the information from all previous groups is compiled and integrated into Blender's shader editor. At this stage, stroke data along with attributes like ID, opacity, and color are used to render the final effect. This group introduces controlled randomness to add natural variation in stroke thickness, color, and length, resulting in the look of hand-drawn brushstrokes.
Shader Nodes